General Feedback and Incident Reporting

At Elite Volleyball, we ask our players, player families and staff to exhibit and engage in conduct that is consistent with our Core Values, inclusive in nature and meets a gold-standard of sportsmanship. In considering our mission and club objectives, culture and stakeholder conduct is the most important aspect of our club. As such, we have provided the below incident report form to allow anonymous reporting of any behavior you feel is inconsistent with our core values or code of conduct. You may also use this form to provide general feedback regarding our club and programs. After completing the below form, you will hear from our administration in 5 business days or less depending on severity or urgency of the report. All clubs experience challenges throughout the season, but we commit to have an active mechanism to manage, improve and remediate any situations requiring our attention. After all, like our athletes, our mission is to continuously improve, and we value your feedback. Thank you!