Enrollment Steps and FAQs

Below you will find enrollment steps and FAQs for both Skills Classes and Travel Teams

Skills Classes

  1. Register on our website indicating your interest in our club. All players must be registered in order to step on to our volleyball courts. Register here.
  2. Determine which class you would like to attend based on age group:
    1. 9 and under – Jumpstarters. This class is $175 for two 90-minute sessions per week and focused on the fundamentals of volleyball.
    2. 10, 11 or 12 – U12 Skills Class. This class is $200 per month for two 120-minute sessions per week and focused on the fundamentals of volleyball.
    3. 13 and up – U16 Skills Class. This class is $200 per month for two 120-minute sessions per week and focused on more advanced concepts of volleyball. There is both an intermediate and advanced class for this age group.
  3. Check our practice schedule for a time and place you would like to trial one of our classes. Schedule here
  4. Email or call our staff letting them know when you will be attending to trial the class. We offer a one-week trial to determine if the class is right for you.
  5. Enroll and pay for the class. Pay here.

Q:A: ….

Travel Teams

  1. Register for Tryouts. A new link will be provided each year. Tryouts are currently closed for 2024 season.
  2. Attend tryout’s which are typically held in mid to late July.
  3. Monitor our tryout tracker to see if your youth athlete made a team. New link each year
  4. In the event your athlete makes a team you will need to complete our Membership Package and pay our initial Commitment Fee.
  5. Within weeks of commitment, uniform sizing will be done on-site using our Uniform sizing form. The dates and times of the sizing will be announced. Please never fill this form out while not at a physical fitting.
  6. Within weeks of commitment, a link for a team communication forum will be sent via email. It is critical you monitor your email for this link. The app used for team communication is called “Band”. The link distributed will automatically prompt you to download this app to your phone.
  7. While Elite has summer teams practices that can be joined, Travel team practice will commence in October. A practice schedule will be distributed by August 31st each season.
  8. Tournament schedules will be distributed by August 31st each season.

Q: When are tryouts A: Tryouts are typically in the month of July. Exact dates will be posted in the months leading up to tryouts